5 SEO Tips for Optimizing Your Digital Marketing

Ranking at the top of Google search results can be tedious work, but it’s a goal most businesses strive to achieve. To avoid slipping even further down in search engine results, your business needs to prioritize Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Users put a lot of trust in search engines and believe that the information they’re viewing on the other side of the screen is reliable. The higher you are in search rankings, the more credible you look. Not to mention, SEO is essential for helping your business to grow.

SEO Charts on Laptop

Use Keywords Correctly

One way to guarantee content visibility is through the use of keywords and key terms. Chances are you have a specific market of people that you’re trying to target; if you want your content to be seen in front of the right people, optimize your content for specific keyword searches. Finding top-ranking keyword searches is as easy as utilizing Google’s Search Analytics. When you’re using the right keywords that your audience frequently searches, you’re improving your chances of people finding your site via search engines.

Review All Online Directory Listings

For best optimization, you should frequently be checking and updating all of your online directory listings -- including Local SEO. You’ll want your consumers to be accessing accurate information about your business, and they will too. Consistent information across the board on your directory listings is a critical component to improve your SEO strategy. If your audience is presented with false or old information, it won’t drive them to your website. The goal is to drive traffic and as a business, you’ll want to help steer your audience in the right direction.

Make Sure Your Content is Mobile-Friendly

Your content must be relevant, free from spam, and useful. But you'll need to do more. We are in the prime of digital marketing, which means it is essential that the content you provide your consumers is mobile-friendly. Over the last few years, mobile SEO has surpassed desktop SEO. That’s why there is such an emphasis on Responsive Web Design. People are becoming much more reliant on mobile, as most of their searches will come from a smartphone, tablet, or iPad. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re essentially turning visitors -- and potential customers -- away.

Optimize Locally

If you want your business to be heard over all of the background noise it competes with, optimize for local searches by including city and state in title tags, the URL, H1 headings, and meta descriptions. Local optimization is especially beneficial for small businesses and mom-and-pop businesses. In Google terms, local optimization means that your business will make it into the top three local listings on the page.

Be Social. Literally.

Social media sites generally drive a solid amount of traffic, making it one of the most effective ways to maintain relevancy and visibility with your audience. Developing and prioritizing a social media strategy can actually improve your SEO efforts. Social media relies heavily on quality content, which is where the SEO side of things comes into play. A strong and consistent presence on social media can greatly increase your search rankings.

Content Marketing Digital Marketing key terms keyword research local search Marketing Mobile responsive design seo

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