Blogging holds many advantages. It’s a chance to add new content for your site, engage your audience, and create a meaningful digital footprint. Starting is easy but there are a few things to keep in mind before you begin. You need to write about a topic that’s meaningful for your readers, you have to decide how often you wish to post a new blog, and you need to keep your post within reasonable word count. This last point is what we’ll be discussing today.
Topic Matters for Length
What really determines how much to write is what topic you’re talking about. Generally, for optimal search engine results, blog posts should be between 400 and 1,000 words. Any shorter and it comes across as a newspaper headline and any longer risks losing your focus and losing your readers’ interest. You want to make your point without readers skimming the content, looking for the interesting parts.
Writing Beyond One-Thousand Words
This brings up a valid concern: What happens when your topic requires thousands of words to explain and detail? The solution is what Hollywood has done for years: sequels! Break up your topic into multiple parts, ending each section on a logical stopping point. This lets your readers soak in what they have read, letting them think on your points and potentially creating a discussion on the topic. Once they’re ready, they’ll continue on for the rest, maybe even subscribe to your blog to make sure they catch the next post.
Start With Small Posts
When starting out, smaller blog posts will gain readers’ attention and build a report with your content. Once readers begin to get used to your style and posting frequency, lengthier posts can become more common. Substance helps readers take your posts more seriously and can drive up discussion.
Keep the Quality Rather Than the Quantity
When writing up your posts, don’t forget quality! Proper formatting, spelling and grammar should be checked before hitting the submit button. Make sure that you are satisfying your readers’ needs as well. Don’t go off on tangents that don’t pertain to your post and remove any words that are not necessary. Fluff on a blog is the fastest way for readers to hit the back button and search for something else.
Blogging is an integral component to a site. The advantages to regular blogging can help you reach your audience in ways that traditional advertising cannot do. Should you need advice on integrating blogging into your website, we can guide you. Don’t let this opportunity slip away!